Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 16 (August 8th)

I can't believe it's been over 2 weeks since surgery.  It's been fast and slow at the same time-sounds weird, but I think everyone knows what I mean by that.

Sleeping is ok. I slept all night last night but I am still sleeping in the recliner. The doc said at my one week appointment that I could sleep normally, it might just increase swelling and that I wouldn't hurt anything. My face is still tender to touch in spots, so I am nervous about laying on it-it will hurt. I don't want more swelling either since that is doing pretty good. I don't know how long I will sleep in the recliner. I remember reading someone else's blog and that she was afraid to sleep in bed normally for a long time too.  I know I will get over it eventually. No big deal, I'm getting sleep.

Eating is ok too. I have a yogurt smoothie with bananas and strawberries for breakfast with some tea. I have been having blended soups for lunch. I had split pea soup yesterday, it had extra carrots and potatoes in it and some ham, I put it all in the ninja along with a little milk and a few crackers and blended it, heated it and ate the whole can!! It tasted good. Blended vegetarian vegetable soup was good that way too.  No chewing needed.  I ate really soft stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and a little bit of shredded up bbq chicken for dinner last night.  It was all really soft and mushy and doesn't require chewing, of course, but my tongue gets sore from working it around to swallow it since it's rubbing on the roof of my mouth and the splint all the time.

The infection seems to be gone. I still have a little hole in my cheek where they removed a few stitches to let it drain. I am still on the antibiotics till Saturday and I thought I would keep doing the salt water rinses till then too. The swelling still seems a little more on the left-which makes sense since that is where the infection was.  I am trying not to judge my face because it is way too early for that, but my nose seems a little crooked at the end right now. I hope just from the swelling.  My face does feel puffy right along both sides of my nose so I'm sure that's why. I don't see much difference in my jawline right now.  Still swollen along there and into my neck, it's tender.  I hope I have some good cosmetic benefits, even though that wasn't the main reason for doing this. I can still hope to look better though, right??

My energy level seems ok.  I did about 4 hours of running around on Tuesday. I was tired after that. Yesterday I felt just kind of blah and headachy so just took it easy. No plans today, I can just get some laundry and small chores done around the house.  I have my appointment for the splint removal next Wednesday, the 14th. I go to the surgeon's in the morning and then the ortho in the afternoon to get the wires replaced and the surgical hooks out (I hope). I am nervous for those appointments-I am afraid it will hurt for them to do that work.  The quick check I had with the ortho on Tuesday, she said I probably wouldn't even feel it with being numb and all-I said, I am not numb!!! I have feeling on the left and light tingles on the right, my chin is very tingly, but I am not numb!! I am glad that I have feeling, but at the same time, those appointments could be painful! I can't wait to eat and talk without the splint in my mouth and I am so glad that it comes out before I go back to work on the 19th!! I want to know how I sound without it in there, I hope the lisp that I had before surgery (due to a 10 mm overjet) will be gone, but will I know how to talk properly when everything has been moved so much?!

Well, that's really all I can think of right now...until next time.

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