Monday, May 20, 2013

Problem solved...

This seems to be a recurring theme with my teeth, I was flossing last night, when yet again that crown popped off! It happened a few months ago, before I got braces on in January. That was an old crown and it had a lot of decay under it, so it was good that was found and taken care of, then the temporary popped off, also while flossing! So when I got the permanent one in, they used stronger cement. When I was eating yesterday, I did feel a weird crunch on that side when a piece of food found its way to that side. I don't normally chew on that side since it feels uncomfortable ever since I got my braces on.  So again, flossing that side and Pop! I admit, I freaked out when that happened.  The only thing I think of is how much more money will this cost me?!

I took the day off of work to deal with this problem. I was lucky that I got into the dentist first thing and got the crown re-cemented, but they had to trim my wire that ran to that bracket so then I had to run to the orthodontist.  I am due to get my sure smile wires next week so they actually didn't give me a new wire today, they just looked at things, trimmed the wire even closer to that next bracket and let me go. They didn't want a new wire to change anything before I get the sure smile wires.  She also told me that she would put the surgical hooks on closer to time and change to a surgical wire also about a week before my surgery.

I made the appointment for my physical and history and also moved my dental cleaning closer to time of the surgery since I won't be able to get a cleaning for a while afterwards.

So, crisis averted and everything seems back to normal! I hope it stays that way!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Surgery Date!!!!

So after asking the ortho at my last visit if I would be ready for surgery next month, she said that she and my surgeon both agree that I will be ready for surgery. So,  I tried calling several times to get on the schedule. The weeks in June that I was hoping for a date were already booked but they did have June 11th open. But I needed to talk to someone else in the office first, so once I called later in the day, I was told that date was taken then too.  It would have a been a little rushed to get things done by then, but I wanted to go for that date! The insurance approval was only good through the 14th of June, so I had to talk to that person to get it extended, which it now is extended until July 31st.

The next available date was *July 2nd* so I took that date. That gives me time to do the necessary appointments-the history and physical and the 2 hour appointment with the surgeon 2 weeks before the surgery. That also gives me time to get things organized and ready around the house. I will have a little down time to relax also (I hope!)

 I am so excited. I have been waiting to know the date, but now it feels weird to know that it's more official now that it's on the calendar. I wanted to put a count down gadget on here, but I haven't figured that out yet! It's not quite 7 weeks away.

My next ortho appt is May 30th.  I get molds done that day and get the sure smile wires then too, unless they are ready sooner. They said they would call, if so. I guess I will find out at that time what other ortho appointments I would need before surgery.

I hope the time goes by a little faster than it has been, it's been kind of dragging along to this point.

I hope to see everyone's updates on their recovery, since I am close now, I am really interested in seeing how others are coping!  I will update again after the 30th appointment.