Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 11 (August 3)

The good news today is that the infection seems to be really clearing out. I only have a little drainage occassionally, but I am still taking the antibiotics (10 day course), doing the salt water rinses and the warm compresses. The warm compresses just feel good on my tender face. The right side feels alot better than the left, so I never use the warm compress there. The swelling seems about equal now, meaning all that extra swelling from the infection on the left is just about gone. I even have been trying to wear the elastics for short periods of time and I plan on wearing them to bed to make sure the bite lines up. After all, that's why I did this crazy surgery to begin with.

My parents went home today, so I was doing more around the house and I haven't napped today either. I guess I have given that up so that I can get to sleep at a decent time at night. I am a night owl anyway. I have still been getting up several times at night to drain the infection and rinse my mouth. I don't know how long I will need to keep doing that.

I am going to call and update the surgeon on Monday, to see if they want to see me again before the splint comes out in a couple weeks.  I hope not, it's a long drive and I am afraid my energy isn't quite up to that drive yet. It should be by the next week though-which will be good, since I am also getting closer to having to go back to work at that point.

I didn't have too much to eat today. My tongue hurts trying to eat soft stuff and push it around my mouth to swallow it. I have a sore on the end of it. I drank dinner-soup-and I plan to make a banana milk shake for a treat tonight.  Sounds good and refreshing. Trying to eat soft stuff without chewing is more difficult than I thought it would be and tiring trying to work it around with your tongue to swallow it down. My water intake is going up, since I have to wash so much food down!

My chin is very tingly and I have a sensitive tooth on the bottom right side that seems to react harshly to cold things. I hope that's just normal nerves waking up from surgery and not an indication that there is tooth damage or anything like that. I would think it would be a little early for signs of that-I hope, anyway!

How long do people sleep elevated?? I asked at my one week check and was told that I could go ahead and sleep normally, that I wouldn't hurt anything surgically. But my face is still swollen and tender. I am nervous about that. I know the swelling might increase by laying down now. But I'm afraid of hurting something. I am still in my recliner. I guess I will just do that for a while until the tenderness subsides more.  Well, that's about it for now I guess...until next time.

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