Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 6 (Monday, July 29th)

Today is my son's 15th Birthday! Where has the time gone?? Luckily we celebrated before my surgery. Anyway...

Today has seen improvement of a few things. I am getting more fluids, the drool seems to be lessening and I actually slurped some soup and a vanilla malt with a spoon! Which is good as it seems the syringes are starting to malfunction! I guess I need to transition to cups and silverware now otherwise I will just delay learning how to use the new jaw.  When I use the cup to swallow my meds, I have had water come out my nose several times, so annoying. My one week follow up appointment is tomorrow. I spent some time writing down some questions for the docs. I hope all goes well.

I didn't sleep that great last night, it kind of felt like I was half awake most of the time. I did catch a little nap this afternoon once the house got quiet.  I feel a good sleep coming on though:) one thing I have been worried about was my energy level returning quickly, since I have 3 teens, 2 pets and a husband that travels alot for work. My parents have been helping me out alot, which I really appreciate. They will drive me to my appointment tomorrow since it's so far away. I know I won't have the energy for that so soon.  Then we have some days off, so my parents will go home and I won't have any appointments or obligations till next Monday. I plan to just hang around the house and rest. I still have three weeks before I start work again. My splint will come off the week before I go back-thank goodness! I will have to take that trip with my youngest daughter, we can have a girls day:)

I just have doctor appointments set for the kids for their school physicals and that's about the only obligations I have till work starts. I know I will have another ortho appointment once the splint comes out so they can replace the wire that they cut when they widened my top jaw. My lips are doing much better, but the skin around my mouth has been peeling. I will get the splint removal appointment tomorrow, then we'll have to coordinate with the ortho.

My face feels pretty tingling all over, which I guess is a good sign, it just feels so weird. There is a spot on my left cheek that feels normal, the rest is all tingles. I also have this spot on my left cheek that looks like a blister, so I'm going to ask what that's from.  I have been swallowing pills today, a combo of ibuprofen and acetaminophen. My jaw is just really achy right now, from trying to open and get a spoon in there when I had my malt, so I have a warm compress on it. That feels good.

Well, I guess that's it for now.  I'll try to update tomorrow after my appointment.  Did I mention I wish the drooling would stop already?! until next time...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

First five days

Since I'm several days post op now, I need to catch up the blogs so I'll do a long post but try to re-cap each day. Hope it's not too long/boring :)

Wednesday, July 24th (day 1)
The docs visited me in the morning and removed the compression bandage completely, which was awesome since it made me feel like I was suffocating. I was only allowed to get out of bed that morning once they removed the catheter and the leg compression stocking things. Due to the fact that I hadn't really been moving, had been so nauseas, couldn't get anything down,etc. the docs said that I was not being released but they would move me to a regular room for another night. Thank goodness. I felt like a train wreck. They did say the swelling in my lower lip was looking better though and my bite was good, still biting into the splint so no elastics needed to guide things yet.

It did take a while to get moved, we had to wait for a room to open up on the med/surg ward. The staff was all super nice. They did their  best to try and help my pain. I was refusing the stronger stuff and was basically getting iv Motrin type stuff. They were giving meds for swelling, nausea and pain. I had tried some oral pain meds too, but they wouldn't go down either and they tasted horrible and gagged me.  I would rather have the pain than throw up again! But due to more old blood in my stomach I threw up again-so nasty, but that was the last time. Thank goodness. I was able to sleep a little better that night and was getting up to use the bathroom, etc since I was still hooked up to the iv.

I tried to get fluids down, some tea, melted sherbet, etc but nothing really worked or tasted very good.  I have noticed that my taste buds are on high alert right now and things taste stronger.

Thursday, July 25th (day 2)
The docs visited me again in the morning and said everything looked on track, I was doing better, they had a few early afternoon surgical cases and would check me after that, but the plan was for me to be discharged after the afternoon visit.  They wanted me to walk the halls for some exercise and to see what else I could take in fluid-wise, so they capped the iv but didn't take it out yet.  I walked down to the nurse's station twice, was able to get down  some tea and plain water and ice chips. The docs came back around 3 and started the discharge process.  They knew I had a long drive home (about 2 hours) so they got me going fairly quickly, we just had to wait for the prescriptions to be ready, one more dose of pain meds, then they removed the iv, then I was transported to the door. I was awake (I think)  for most of the very long drive home.  Once I hit the door, I burst into tears. I was happy to be home. I slept a little better in the recliner. Lots of pillows, cozy blanket, ice packs, etc. 

Friday, July 26th/Saturday, July 27th (days 3 &4)
I was able to sleep a few hours at a time.  I finally was able to shower also, that makes such a difference.  The swelling is going down day by day and the fluid intake is going up as the swelling improves.  I mostly laid around all day. I did fall asleep late on the couch and woke up at 10, but then couldn't sleep again until about 4 am. That sucked. Then I took a nap after lunch on Saturday and then was up until around 11:00pm.
We also called the doc on Saturday to ask a few questions about cleaning my teeth, and why my tongue was still so swollen and sore. Everything is going normally-nothing out of the ordinary and I go for my follow up on Tuesday, July 30th, so they will double check everything then. At least the phone call reassured me on what I could or  couldn't do to clean my mouth. There was so much dried blood in there-so disgusting, but he said I could brush as much as I was able to.  I wouldn't hurt anything. So I brushed and rinsed for the longest time and got the grossest blood clots and gunk out-sorry if that's TMI! But my mouth felt and tasted so much better and I have been using the rinse 3 times a day.

Sunday, July 28th (day 5)
Since I went to bed around 11, I woke up around 3:30 and actually tried swallowing some ibuprofen. It worked!!  I couldn't feel it go down though, so I had to check my mouth with a little flash light to make sure it wasn't hiding in there. I'm sure I would have tasted the nasty medicine though. But I was so happy that I was able to swallow it whole without drinking it all ground up and mixed in my drinks!! So, when I woke up around 6, I showered again and drank some juice, then around 9, I swallowed another dose of pain meds-it's a prescription I had for knee pain, but it's a stronger anti-inflammatory and I only have to take once every 12 hours so that's really helpful.
It's time for me to take it now, actually. I took a 1 1/2 hour nap today, but didn't want to mess up my sleep tonight, so I set the timer on my phone. I got up and had more soup for dinner. I had my mom make a cheesy potato soup (blended and strained) and had about 1/2 a mug full. The liquids fill you up fast, but they don't last long. I also had some other smoothies and shakes and trying to get a much water as possible. I am still drooling an outrageous amount and wish that would stop, but I feel I am getting better control of my lower lip and am able to close my mouth better,so the drooling should stop soon too.  The swelling has gone down dramatically, my face is a lovely greenish-yellow from bruising though, but my lips are looking much more normal and not all peeling and inflamed like just two days ago. It really is amazing how fast your body tries to get back to normal. I need to take another picture for my records, at least I have the "after surgery" ones on my phone, so maybe I can figure out how to post them. I really am terrible at this technology stuff ;)

Well, sorry for such a long update, but this is the first I felt up to trying to get it all down. I wanted as much detail to look back on later. I do not know how people feel up to blogging right away, but I am glad they do, I wish I felt that good. I am getting there. I will blame being older on this rough time I am having. It seems all the younger patients bounce back much better. I am glad for them and a little jealous, I guess! Lol!

I will try to update daily for a while, I go on Tuesday for my one week follow up. Not really looking forward to the long ride, but I guess I've come a long way since I came home on Thursday, so another couple of days should make even more of a difference. I just hope the drooling stops by then:)

I just took my pain pill and when I swallowed, water came out my nose! Does that happen to anyone else?? It feels so weird. I remember when I was a kid and had my tonsils and adenoids removed, the same thing happened a few times, then I guess I figured out how to drink properly! Until next time...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day zero-July 23rd

I had to be at the hospital by 6 am. I was scheduled for 7:30 surgery time. They took me back for surgery right on  time. First was the typical pre-op stuff, met the surgery team to talk to, placing the iv, etc . It was nice that my mom could sit with me and keep me distracted. I had this weird gown to wear that they hooked up to a warm air pump- it was nice!

The nurse doing the iv stuck  me three times and still didn't get it. She was probing around in there. I have two really nice bruises from that. The anesthesiologist resident got an iv in first try.  Then they gave me the "happy juice" and took me back.   I remember changing to the surgery table, they start hooking things to me, then put the oxygen mask on and it was lights out! I woke up in my room when I needed to transfer to the regular bed. That's so hard to do right after surgery. I don't think I remember anything from the recovery room.

They actually started the surgery at 8:15 after everything was prepped. Waking up was tough. My bottom lip was the size of a small continent. It was just dangling in the air. I had ice on. I remember being aware that my mom took a picture. (My lip was shocking when I saw the pic days later.) I had lots of bleeding going on. The nurses actually called the drs back sooner to check me, but they said everything was ok.  I had lost a lot of blood during the surgery, I needed 2 units of blood. That's not really supposed to be a problem with this procedure. So glad it happened to me- not!! So since losing so much blood-guess what happens? Yes, you throw it up-repeatedly. I think I threw up 5 times that night. The pain meds do that to me too. I had so much swelling. They left the catheter in place till 6 am which also meant I had the leg compression stockings on-til 6 am (annoying) also when I was awake I got to stare at the clock at the end of my bed.  Minutes dragged on for hours!!

By the morning, I was desperate for the docs to come and take the compression bandage off. I felt like I was going to suffocate and was trying hard to focus on breathing but I was shaking and couldn't stop. Finally the nurse loosened it a bit and I got some relief from that. Holy cow-it was a horrible  night.

I'll post the next day starting with seeing the doctors....

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tomorrow is the day!

Tomorrow is the day-7:30 am! I need to be at the hospital by 6 am. Thankfully the hotel is only about 20 minutes away instead of the 1 1/2 hours it normally takes from my house. It was actually longer today due to road construction, but we had lots of time-nothing scheduled today.

The nurse called this morning to give me instructions such as arrival time, no food or drink after midnight, etc.  and to get some more medical history before I arrive.

I need to remember to tell the intern "happy birthday" :) it was discussed at my pre-op that it's his birthday because he was asking what day my surgery was and said "oh, that should be easy to remember, it's my birthday!" He then asked when the other interns'  birthdays were, another was in July also (my son's is July 29th) then the other one said his was March 7th, I flipped out-that's MY birthday (and also my daughter's!) so I said we have some good birthday vibes going on for my surgery:)

I am now just trying to relax and not be completely freaked out about what is happening tomorrow!

I still don't know how to do pictures. That's so lame!! Until next time...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Surgical hooks are in!!

The name of this post pretty much says it all-my surgical hooks were put in today. I miscounted at first-it turns out that I have 9 on the bottom and 7 on the top. I had to make a second trip to the ortho after lunch when I noticed that one of the top hooks was loose and moving around on the wire. So back I went to get that tightened. I also had them poke some wires away from my lower lip since it was snagging me.  Ouch.  My ortho put  wire ties on my bottom front teeth to place a hook there, but it wouldn't fit. My bottom teeth are too small and there wasn't enough room between the brackets so that resulted in the poking wires. She left them longer so the surgeon could straighten them and use them as hooks during surgery if needed.  I had asked to get the elastic ties back on since the hook didn't fit and the wires were poking me but she then explained why she left the wire ties longer. I went ahead and grabbed more wax to save my lip. Not looking forward to swelling and pushing on more wires and things.  Hopefully that won't be as bad as I fear.  4 days, 9 hours til surgery-not that I'm counting;)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Phone call about the 23rd!!

I almost didn't answer the phone this morning because the caller id said unknown name/unknown number. I usually let those go to voicemail because most of the time they are  telemarketers that I don't want to talk to anyway. But I'm really glad that I answered since it was the intern from the surgeon's office calling to go over the surgery one more time and to see if I had any questions, etc.

I had to tell him right away that I have been dreaming that my teeth are loose and I will have problems getting the surgery done. He said that is totally normal with this procedure-they hear that a lot. I have also been afraid that they will call and cancel after what happened last time. I figured they would look at all the recent models, etc. and say "NOPE, still not ready"!! He said everything is ready, they "crossed all the T's and dotted the I's".

He said that they worked up the models and did the surgery on them and all the measurements and predictions were done on the computer. He said after doing all that and considering everything, they think that doing the genioplasty would be detrimental after all that and from the predictions and measurements they would only be moving it a .5 mm anyway, which he said they don't even make a plate that size. It would be like cutting the chin and putting it back in the same place. Kind of pointless!! It would save recovery from that procedure and would take about an hour off the total surgery time. Which I've been told can range from 6-8 hours. That's along time. At my pre-op appointment, he also talked about taking all the measurements so that they can look at all the esthetics of it and get a balanced result, they don't just worry about function. That was reassuring as I want things fixed but I want to look better too:)

He said they would be widening the top 3-4 mm and leveling the bite to close the open bite that I have in the front, which would then allow them to move the bottom jaw forward 9mm, which would also take care of needing the genioplasty. We talked about how if you just look at me now, it appears that I would really benefit from the genio, but actually doing the model surgery and looking at the tracings, etc. that's when they decided it would not really be needed. He said they move the jaw 10 mm in their sleep apnea cases, so it is very close to that and I should notice a great improvement in my airway-if I had any sleep apnea symptoms (never been tested, but it should be helpful anyway to get more air!)

He said that I won't be happy with them for the first week and a half but after that I should really be pleased with the results (once the swelling goes down he said) We discussed the diet a bit more. They have been saying a "no chew" diet from the start since I'm not supposed to be banded shut, but from all the other blogs and videos that I've seen, I am guessing that due to swelling I will only be able to manage liquids the first few days at least, and he agreed with that statement, so when I go shopping on Friday, I will be stocking up on things to drink.

I have to remind him on Tuesday that I want to see the predictive tracings, etc. that we talked about today. They generated all that after my workup appointment and I haven't been back for any kind of followup since it's 1 1/2 hours away. He confirmed that I am scheduled for 7:30 Tuesday, the 23rd. Of course I need to be there 2 hours early, I will be staying closeby the night before. I am not driving 1 1/2 hours on the morning of surgery!!

 It's not long now, I am nervous and excited!! I guess I will tell my friends that it's back on, I was waiting to make sure.  Tomorrow I go for the surgical hooks. I need to figure out how to get some pics on here too:) I'll post soon, maybe some pics of the hooks??

Sunday, July 14, 2013

So much going on...

As the title of my last post states, these past few weeks have definitely been a roller coaster ride, and not a fun one either.  I spoke to the surgeon's office on July 1st but I was told that they were going to workup the models that my ortho sent them the week before to see if I was ready and they would try to get me back on the schedule for July, but I also let my ortho know that I didn't have a firm date yet, because I think she thought I was rescheduled already. Anyway...I was told by the surgeon's office not to expect any word from them till July 12th. If I didn't hear from them by then, she told me to call the afternoon of the 12th.

My surgery was originally scheduled for July 2nd, so as that date came and went, I was having a really emotional day trying to get through it and angry and upset that it wasn't happening, all due to a miscommunication and no chance to clarify things that would have kept it on track.

I was busy cleaning the basement on the 2nd, trying to distract myself and keep busy during the day. I already had one phone call from the periodontist saying that they recommend I get a deep cleaning before my surgery. It only costs 1,200. She mentioned that insurance would cover 80%, then actually checked my insurance coverage and said it would only cover 50%, but (lucky for me) they can stretch out the payments to make it easier for me. I did not need that call, on the day I was supposed to be having surgery!! It pushed me over the edge (again!) I went back to work, but when I needed a break, I realized that I had a voicemail. Imagine my surprise when I heard that it was from the surgeon's office saying that she had good news for me and to call her back.  I couldn't dial fast enough! Luckily she answered the phone right away and said that since my first date was canceled due to a miscommunication, they were putting me on the schedule for July 23!!!! She also scheduled me (again) for the work up for July 11th. I told her I would be there for sure!! See what I mean about a roller coaster?!

My husband had  just returned from China after a month long business trip and then he was only home for 5 days before traveling to see his critically ill mother.  I stayed home with the kids. He called early on July 4th to say that his mom had passed away, only about 12 hours after he arrived to see her. I then packed and left two days later to be there for the services and to help his dad organize things around the house. Her service couldn't be scheduled until Wednesday. That meant we had to leave immediately after to make the 8 hour drive home (through tornado warnings and torrential rain) I was so stressed out and emotionally and physically exhausted after that trip.

I made it to my pre-op appointment, and had 2 to 3 interns doing things for me throughout the appointment.  The office was really supposed to be shut down at the time, but they were trying to make it up to me for canceling the first one.  The one intern said that after what they did, I deserve to have them bend over backwards for me:) especially since they put me out into a horrible thunderstorm that day ( and I got lost trying to get home) I appreciated the extra attention:)  The appointment lasted for three hours! They did more molds(they started that last time), wax bite, face bow and measurements and lots of talking about the procedure,etc. I signed the consent for the surgeon (with the specifics for my procedures) and a general consent for the hospital. I am excited and anxious to get this done, but I still am afraid that they are going to call and cancel the whole thing. I haven't updated my friends from work, they know it's been postponed but not rescheduled. I think I will wait a few days just to make sure things are still on. Wish me luck!! Thanks for reading this book!:)