Thursday, July 18, 2013

Surgical hooks are in!!

The name of this post pretty much says it all-my surgical hooks were put in today. I miscounted at first-it turns out that I have 9 on the bottom and 7 on the top. I had to make a second trip to the ortho after lunch when I noticed that one of the top hooks was loose and moving around on the wire. So back I went to get that tightened. I also had them poke some wires away from my lower lip since it was snagging me.  Ouch.  My ortho put  wire ties on my bottom front teeth to place a hook there, but it wouldn't fit. My bottom teeth are too small and there wasn't enough room between the brackets so that resulted in the poking wires. She left them longer so the surgeon could straighten them and use them as hooks during surgery if needed.  I had asked to get the elastic ties back on since the hook didn't fit and the wires were poking me but she then explained why she left the wire ties longer. I went ahead and grabbed more wax to save my lip. Not looking forward to swelling and pushing on more wires and things.  Hopefully that won't be as bad as I fear.  4 days, 9 hours til surgery-not that I'm counting;)

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