Saturday, June 1, 2013

Updated Plan / Ortho Visit / 30 day countdown

I went to the ortho again on Thursday, May 30th. I was due to get my first set of sure smile wires and molds done (to be sent to the surgeon).  The assistant took my old wires out and did the molds, the ortho also did a bite mold, but it wasn't the typical sheet of wax since they were fed-exing the molds to the surgeon, and heat in a shipping truck would ruin the mold, so the ortho used what looked like a caulk gun to squirt goo on my teeth then I just had to bite and hold it so the material could set up.  It was easy, didn't taste bad or anything, but different.

The molds are another story, I hate doing them to begin with. I dreaded having it done for the first time with the braces on.  The bottom one wasn't bad and the first top one went ok too, until she came back with the tray full of goo again and had to re do the top, that one was more challenging since there seemed to be way too much goo in the tray! yuck, hard to breathe on that one!

Then the assistant had to wrestle the wires in place and they also added springs in a couple spots to open up space between a few teeth on top, since now the ortho is saying the top needs work too. Now, the was news to me, since the surgeon really only wanted to do the bottom, unless the top isn't wide enough. Well, I guess when the ortho and surgeon had their latest consultation together, they decided the top needed to move too and this is the first I am hearing of it. So as the ortho is casually showing me on the computer how they are going to move the top, I had to stop her and ask for clarification. Now, as far as I know, insurance has only approved for the lower jaw. When I asked about that, my ortho said she had seen that it was approved, but couldn't find it in my record at the moment, so I am waiting on confirmation about that. I am at the 30 day countdown point right now!! Yikes, at least I don't have too much time to worry about double jaw surgery, I was finally getting settled with the thought of what was going to happen to the bottom. I am having more feelings of "what the heck am I doing?!?" at this point. Now I am worried about requiring a splint, longer period of liquid diet, etc. I guess I better get my list of questions ready.  Has anyone had the upper jaw done (in three pieces) and NOT need a splint for any period of time? I am thinking I need to be ready for anything at this point!!

I really wanted to call insurance yesterday, but had to leave work early due to touch of a stomach bug, thanks to my sick family-they are so kind to share their germs! I was too out of it to call anyway. I will have my daughter at the ortho on Monday for her own appointment-I wish they gave family discounts- maybe I'll get the insurance information I need then, otherwise I will be calling several different people to find out what's what! I am waiting for the insurance person to call from the surgeon's office though.  Anyway, I will end this post as it's rambling on a bit! Hope to update soon with the insurance confirmation-that will help put my mind at ease...

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