Thursday, May 16, 2013

Surgery Date!!!!

So after asking the ortho at my last visit if I would be ready for surgery next month, she said that she and my surgeon both agree that I will be ready for surgery. So,  I tried calling several times to get on the schedule. The weeks in June that I was hoping for a date were already booked but they did have June 11th open. But I needed to talk to someone else in the office first, so once I called later in the day, I was told that date was taken then too.  It would have a been a little rushed to get things done by then, but I wanted to go for that date! The insurance approval was only good through the 14th of June, so I had to talk to that person to get it extended, which it now is extended until July 31st.

The next available date was *July 2nd* so I took that date. That gives me time to do the necessary appointments-the history and physical and the 2 hour appointment with the surgeon 2 weeks before the surgery. That also gives me time to get things organized and ready around the house. I will have a little down time to relax also (I hope!)

 I am so excited. I have been waiting to know the date, but now it feels weird to know that it's more official now that it's on the calendar. I wanted to put a count down gadget on here, but I haven't figured that out yet! It's not quite 7 weeks away.

My next ortho appt is May 30th.  I get molds done that day and get the sure smile wires then too, unless they are ready sooner. They said they would call, if so. I guess I will find out at that time what other ortho appointments I would need before surgery.

I hope the time goes by a little faster than it has been, it's been kind of dragging along to this point.

I hope to see everyone's updates on their recovery, since I am close now, I am really interested in seeing how others are coping!  I will update again after the 30th appointment.


  1. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!

    I ended up getting the date after my birthday! I took the date anyways because I wanted it over with. :) I'm now about 17 days post op.

    You're soooo close!

    1. Thanks for the well wishes! I hope your recovery is going well. I can't wait to be on that side of things!

  2. So pleased you have your date finally, it's half the battle. Don't worry about the wait, once the surgery date arrives, recovery weeks go so so fast. Spend the next number of weeks getting the things you need, getting mentally prepared and let the excitement build. I am now almost three months post op and feeling great, there's a great big light at the end of the tunnel :)

  3. Liz, once I got the date set, I made a huge to-do list and started working on that. I want to get things done so I can take it easy after surgery and it won't bother me, it should help the time go faster at least! If you think of anything specific that you found useful that I should get, let me know! Thanks!
