Tuesday, March 19, 2013

...and more braces!

I had an ortho appointment back on March 5th where they put new elastic ties on, but kept the same wire and placed spacers between my very back molars to make room for more bands. Yes, I was really looking forward to that! I guess I am just a big baby, but those spacers killed me the first time around. They actually weren't too bad this time. I actually forgot they were in after a few days and tried flossing that spot and popped one out! I  used the ortho's technique of using floss to put it back in. It turns out that the contacts of my teeth are too tight to use the plier type tool thing so they had to floss several of them in(both times). Anyway, I got it back in there and it stayed, so that worked out!

So the follow-up appointment was just today to get the  bands placed. Not too pleasant, but obviously not as bad as getting the whole set of braces on! I just feel like I don't have room that far back in my mouth for all this metal! I also got heavier wires placed today. I think they said 15's but I'm not sure exactly what that means!

I did get good news recently that the insurance approval was extended for another 90 days (good til June 14th) I wasn't worried about it, but just needed to get it done. The ortho talked to the surgeon today before my appointment (good timing) and the surgeon still thinks that just doing the bottom jaw is the way to go, she is worried about changing the top since when talking and normally smiling, it looks fine and she doesn't want to change that. My ortho will be making adjustments to make sure the bottom fits the best way with the top without changing the top. She did say that I will be having the biggest jaw advancement that can be done (10mm) That's huge!!  She also said that I should be good to get the surgery done before the insurance needs to be extended again. As long as I stay healthy, which might be a little challenge since I work in an elementary school and the germs have been flying lately!

The next appointment will be at the end of April, so not too long away really. That appointment will include impressions, pics and scans to send to the surgeon and between the ortho and surgeon they do their digital surgery planning-cool! I'm glad they do it that way, since they only get one crack at my face and I want them to know the plan ahead of time!! I guess as the treatment goes on, they will see how things are looking/fitting to see if the top needs done too. I just want the best result if I am going through this!

I think they said I would get a new wire at the next appointment  too and they would be planning the surgery wire from the impressions for all the hooks and things.

I also need to ask when I need to see the specialist she was referring me to, so I can check  that my jawbone is good enough to withstand the surgery! Has anyone else had to do that too?

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